Somewhere in between traveling out of town and defrosting my entire being from the polar vortex freeze, two weeks have gone by since our Pizza Pop Up...and I really would've liked to have shared this with you all much sooner!
The event was just amazing...the whole C&C crew was at the top of their game; the food was delicious and plentiful; we sold out of seats and fed over a 100 people that night; our humble space was filled to the brim with family members, friends, and loyal customers; and our hearts were fuller still from witnessing all that love and support. I just want to say that we are SO grateful to all who came to the event, to all who helped us spread the word about it, and to all those who generously sent in donations even though you couldn't attend!!! Oh and we also got a nice shout out on the news from WREX who made a point to stop in that night. You can view the story HERE.
A new month is upon us now and so is a new pop-up! We are getting our ducks in a row for it and will release more details in the next few days as soon as the event location is finalized and our website is ready to accept reservations. What is for certain now is that we will have it on the evening of Friday, February 22nd, so SAVE THE DATE!
❄ Hello, F E B R U A R Y ❄