At long last, Labor Day weekend is here...and most everyone associates this holiday with the official end of summer marked by its last out-of-town getaways, family gatherings, cookouts, parades, and, yes, even shopping sprees too.
There is something to be said though about celebrating the worker and the importance of contribution. On some mornings when I walk into the bakery, the last thing on earth I want to do is bake! I think we all have days like this... Without those, I wouldn't have ones where I feel so fortunate to even have work to do and where the end result of our entire team's effort does make a lot of people happy. How lucky are we to end most days then with a sense of accomplishment, purpose, and contribution to our community!? Pretty damn lucky, I'd say...and that's something really worth celebrating.
The sun is starting to set earlier and with that comes an earlier closing time for the market as well. Starting next Friday, Rockford City Market will close down an hour earlier at 7:30pm. While all our other markets (Edgebrook, North End, and Beloit) will continue at their regular hours through the end of October, we will finish the downtown market season at the end of September. Moving into fall, the weather can be touch and please check out our Facebook / Instagram pages to keep updated on our market status in cases of severe weather where we might have to cancel.
On the menu today and tomorrow, we will have Country White, Cranberry Walnut, Baker & Brewer, Seeded Whole Wheat, Olive Oil Semolina, JalapeΓ±o Cheddar, and Blue Olive. We are also dropping off a fresh batch of mini spent grain boules at the brewery today so if you haven't yet tried the bread board on their seasonal menu, visit Prairie Street Brewing Co. soon and check it out.
And lastly, not to sound like a broken record but our anniversary special is still going on through September 9th on all Fall/Winter CSB bread shares :) Don't forget to sign up!